Purdue Mechanical Engineering students evaluate Turbo Pot cooking technology with impressive results
It’s a rare occurrence to meet another technical expert with a passion for heat transfer like we have here at Turbo Pot: meet Purdue University engineering PhD student, Vishwanath Ganesan and his student team.
Vishwanath serves as a lab instructor for the undergraduate heat and mass transfer course in the Mechanical Engineering department at the renowned Purdue University. This semester, his students successfully designed and conducted rigorous testing on the heat transfer capability of Turbo Pot’s proprietary, finned heat exchanger base technology. Their work was so thorough and impressive that it was viewed more than 3000 times within a week on LinkedIn and was reshared multiple times even by the Purdue Mechanical Engineering LinkedIn Page.

Matthew Calisto, the undergraduate student who first brought this idea to Ganesan, had this to say about the outcomes and findings:
Cooking a meal requires a lot of time and effort. Luckily, a novel emerging technology can help accelerate the cooking process. Pots and pans with finned bases are better able to absorb heat from gas stovetops than traditional flat-bottomed cookware, leading to faster cooking times. Turbo Pot, an industry leader in finned cookware, claims that their products heat up 30% - 50% faster than standard cookware!

As part of their undergraduate Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory (ME 315L), Purdue University Mechanical Engineering students Erik Fowerbaugh, Matthew Calisto, Luke Bayless, and Eugenio Frias Miranda designed an experiment under the supervision of Ganesan, to successfully test this hypothesis by heating two surfaces, a flat plate and a finned plate, with a heat gun emitting hot air at ~400 degree Celsius. They found that the finned plate was able to absorb twice as much heat! Thus by enhancing heat absorption, finned cookware can help us save a significant amount of time and energy in the kitchen.

Below you can find the sequential set of images on how the test setup was constructed by students in the ME 315 Lab (taken from Slide #2).

Thank you, Purdue ME students, for expertly proving that Turbo Pot technology heats up nearly twice as fast as standard cookware technology. We look forward to seeing what tests you come up with next!